If not now, when?

One American woman. Twenty acres and a 1650 farmhouse in Tuscany. Random introspection and hilarity, depending on the day.

25 June 2005

Makin' good on that photo promise...

I promised some time ago that I'd get some pictures up here, so today - my first quiet Saturday in I don't-know-how-long - I'm going to make good. Besides, I'd bake in the mid-afternoon to do anything besides stay inside and work quietly on the computer!

As for this one, it's hard to remember a night here in the past month or so that there hasn't been a spectacular sunset. I'm not a particularly good photographer, but tried to capture a bit of the 'light & cloud' show that takes place. Plus, we're far enough North that spring and early summer the sun doesn't set 'til well after 9 pm. No wonder dinners start so late here! (Though if my astronomy classes serve me well, we'll have the opposite problem in the winter months?) As Beatrice says, I don't need to borrow trouble from tomorrow. Just enjoy the sunset today.

But before today's sunset, I do have to comment on the PACE of life here. Everything is so -- much --- slo---wer. People don't seem to be frantic. Everything in good time. Lunch takes 2 hours, and everything closes. My major accomplishment for the day was that I made myself a pedicure appointment -- for Thursday, the soonest they could get me in. Small town, one esthetician! Aaaaah, for the days when I could walk around the corner and have my nails done in less than 30 minutes with no notice! It's REALLY easy to spend an entire afternoon and not know what you actually did. As for me, after a long few weeks of non-stop running around, today I made myself a big salad (add THAT to the list of things I miss about the US!), and sat in the shade beneath the 'lunch tree' (which not-so-glamourously consists of a makeshift bench made out of a length of wood) to eat while reading a book. Glorious. This was the view out to the valley ... that's Siena there in the distance, in the valley just beyond the chimney in the photo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...the blogville is back! Love the recap and differences between the new home and the MSP trip. Now take 3 Q-tips, a cool straw, 5 Advils and some spices from "The Mom" and be creative today. Let me know what you come up with. BTW the "wanta be 21 yr old" says a big hello. I can't wait to tell her you will be in DC!


5:49 PM  

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