If not now, when?

One American woman. Twenty acres and a 1650 farmhouse in Tuscany. Random introspection and hilarity, depending on the day.

07 March 2006

One more thing...

Papa John, Mr. Domino, The Hut of Pizza ... none of them have ever been to Italy. I'm convinced. If they had, they would have thin crust artichoke and sausage pizza on their menu.

Which prompts the point being made that Italian pizza differs from region to region, even from one city block to another. But I've NEVER had a pizza in America that even comes close. You'd think we could replicate ingredients and oven conditions, so it must be that the air is less polluted or something that makes my favorite Italian pizza so.... perfect. Maybe it's that I have to slice it myself (a point that actually annoys me), but it's something. A "je ne sai quois".

Although if I could get Italian pizza delivered to my 1650 stone farmhouse, now THAT would be progress - the best of two countries coming together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home now, I take it? So glad you're back and that you can (again) begin to resettle. Funny, I thought fall/winter would be a slower time for your industry. Guess not, huh? And I know what you mean about people thinking you can help them with their gardens. Virtually every stranger I meet is _sure_ that I can somehow answer their adoption questions. Gets a little tiring. I hope all is well at home and that you pick your Italian up very quickly. I'm sure you will. I mean, heck, since you don't have to work, you can just travel up and down the coast visiting obscure little places and practice those language skills, right?

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is all about WHERE you eat the pizza...doesn't taste the same--I am convinced. Also, I truly think it is the flour.

Ben tornata. :)

4:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've missed you and your postings. does this mean you are back 'home' in Italy? if so, take a momment, sip that Italian wine and enjoy the pizza...sounds yummy!!!

virgin blogger

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty heavy criticism of Mr. John, Mr. Domino and Mr. Hut for someone who isn't a snob.

Daisy Boy

6:48 PM  
Blogger 2-Hand shakes said...

If your travels take you to West Michigan, we will introduce you to Fricano's, "home of the original Dago flapjack." Only one item on the menu, thin crust pizza with a family recipe. No hawaiian, meat-lovers or specialty pizzas. Any pizza you want, but only 5 toppings to choose from: sausage, pepperoni, green pepper, mushrooms and anchovies. Take care!

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try Fiorello's in NY, Piedmontese Bianco: stracchino, rucola and bresaola, SO delicious! Even my food fussy pugliese hubby love it

8:28 AM  

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